October 15, 2008

kekaDang AKu TraSe "GAY" skeJaP.

pew pendapat korang ngn poster neyh?

trase ke??

or xde feelin langsong??
(haaaaaaaaaa...yela 2..)

xpun bepure2 str8?

nway ni poster yg ak wajib wat tok submit kat public health department as part of my stupido assignment...benci btol..
tp ak cam suke wat.....sbb mende2 weird lg x bkait ngn medic ni sgt laaaa ak tnggu2..
kalo x...cam sengal asek ngadap buku je...

certain mmber ak tnye..
"weh is,apsal main title poster ko 'HIV is a gay disease' yg tang "is" 2 ko kalerkn puteh??
ko nk promote ko gay eh?
ko nk wat megasale ek??"

cube korang perati pic ats ni??
x gay langsong kn????....hak3....

cilakak nye mmber!!!!!
hahahaha...sukati i la nk kaler putih kat memane word pn..cibai tol!


Roulefx said...


sangat la undermining your tagline "HIV is a Gay disease" boleh create a chaos tau.... boleh kene saman ngn Pink Triangle n Suhakam ooo...

kalau dlam bahasa advertising, this is called unethical creative approach....

apa kata tukar "This relationship is infectious.."

Your pic tells us everything, so the above tagline really complement it....

my two cents,a person who worked for the media & advertising industry...

Freak said...

this is quite provocative ya know..

tapi gay juga bermaksud happy..

ppl could get the wrong idea here..
HIV is a happy disease..

org sengal tahap karma jek boleh pk cam2..

*pic bawah no comment

Phat-ness said...

lawa siot poster ni walaupon kate2nye agak kureng...haha. kagum2 (^_^)

Norlin Sabuti said...

ader skitla..
dr segi mate.

BuRn said...

Nice poster and i like the words..hehehe....betul ker aku ne?anyway njoy to read ur blog...